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OpesOn maintains we are all on this earth to survive and succeed. 

Success comes in all manner of forms and to be truly wealthy in life, to achieve optimal ‘Life Wealth’, we advocate sharing with those less fortunate.


The proceeds OpesOn generates is distributed to reward all stakeholders; Members, staff, suppliers and associated organisations, shareholders and society including those less fortunate and with a worthwhile cause to support.

Organisations we share with include:

  • Cancer Foundation
  • Salvation Army
  • SIDS Foundation
  • Leukaemia Foundation
  • Australian Red Cross

...and many more under the guide of... 'think global... act local'.


Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009

OpesOn provided a corporate donation to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009 organised through the Australian Red Cross to aide the mending process as best possible in the aftermath of a senseless tragedy.

To all volunteers and all emergency service personnel, you are amazing and to all survivors, our sorrow can not mend your world, in order to remember that it is in our darkest moments we can shine the brightest, share your strength.


Leukemia Foundation 2009

OpesOn 'shaved' our name and changed our corporate colours. To commemorate this moment in our twelfth year on March 12th 2009, Founder Iain Melotte nominated to have his hair coloured green and platinum grey (the new corporate colours) and if enough money was raised pledged to go the full shave at the World's Greatest Shave. Iain did indeed shave his head with over $1000 being donated to the Leukemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave.

All proceeds to the Leukemia Foundation.



Despite 'boom times' in Western Australia charity Christmas stocks were severely depleted and they continue to struggle as the rising tide of inflation and rent causes for many more to become homeless every week...

OpesOn distributed 500 Christmas Hams to needy families throughout Perth, Western Australia, through the Salvation Army in Northbridge as well as a toothbrush and toothpaste being supplied to each resident at St. Bartholomew's Men's Homeless Refuge. Hopefully this restored a little faith in humanity and the Christmas spirit.

OpesOn continues to be involved and of assistance where possible...


Our Founder penned this poem to remind us of our bounty…

…Something to remember…

Life is cool
If you don’t eat gruel
Life is great
With a soul mate
Life is fine
Not in a soup line.

You’re at where you're at
But then that is you.
Others have less
They don’t do what you do.

Your joy will be greater
To know, sooner rather than later
In all of us is the others
Using cardboard for covers.

Enjoy what comes of your life
Not living on the edge of a knife
Knowing the joy you have made
Is from the bed in which you laid.

Joy for all and that’s your call
‘cos life is fun, it’s a ball.
Not for all but yes for some
Understand and don’t play dumb.

This world is ours in which to live
If you have more WHY NOT GIVE
A coin or action, some little token
Will show your cool and not just jokin'.

People in pain and those without
Need to feel good to remove the doubt
Doubt of their purpose, a need to find
Something outside their daily grind.

Use your wealth and knowledge for causes that matter
Rather than let you and your wallet grow fatter
Because joy will find that those who give
Are those who understand what it is like to live.

... Iain Melotte

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