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COIclub a Centre Of Influence for OpesOn

COIclub is our Centre Of Influence Club and is a group of people who from time-to-time mention our company to others… They then invite us to get in touch with them to give some information about us and the benefits of being an OpesOn Member - they do not need to join, just listen.

It’s easy…your family and friends simply need to take a call and find out if they can benefit... that is, if they want to know more from there they can, when and how they choose.

As what we do for each Membership is personalised to the individual's circumstances, resources and their particular peak event/goal, it is best people speak with us directly to find out what we can do for their individual circumstances.

We will discuss broad benefits upfront over the telephone all without obligation and at no cost. Many Members are happy to say to their family and friends... 'hear them out and if you are interested you can find out more yourself.'

Each referral gains an entry in our next prize draw for the Member and COIclub has regular prize draws and events.


Our Prize Draws are also easy to win…

At OpesOn we are about winning systems and we install them everywhere, in your lives for your success, in the office for our success, in service excellence and in everything we do…

...Here are some interesting facts about our draws:…

  • There are instant win prizes
  • There are many prizes in each Prize Pool
  • COIclub Members can only win one prize from each Prize Pool*

* when the first winner is drawn all of their other entries are excluded.

Often when we call our COIclub Members to announce their winnings they claim…“I’ve never won anything before” not a cracker? nothing ever? not anymore!

For a name and number to be validated they must meet the following criteria:

  • Home owners only, either owned outright or with a mortgage (co-owners = single entry)
  • Employed, either self employed or for wages/salary
  • Expect to continue to earn for another five years
  • People who are happy to receive a call to find out what OpesOn benefits exist for them
  • Not been referred to OpesOn previously, or a current or past Member.

Various COIclub functions throughout the year provide a great avenue for professional and social networking as well as fun times and unique opportunities.


To ENTER OpesOn COMPETITONS and/or become an OpesOn COIclub (Centre of Influence) Member, fill in your details below:
Your Name: *
Your Telephone Number: *
* All referrals and competition entrants must have a job, a house and not been previously referred to us. The referral is validated if they are happy to receive information regarding the benefits OpesOn can generate for them (they do not have to join or even come in).

* Each referral you make will give you an additional entry into our current competition. Please read competition Terms & Conditions.
Referral 1
Telephone Number:
Preferred Contact Time: (eg 5-6pm)
Referral 2
Telephone Number:
Preferred Contact Time: (eg 5-6pm)
Referral 3
Telephone Number:
Preferred Contact Time: (eg 5-6pm)
* Denotes required field

Thank you, please feel free to nominate one person at a time and each validated entry will gain you an entry in the current draw.

However, if you nominate three and two of the three join within two months of your nomination you win an instant prize.

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